Our Goats

Stuart has been farming arable crops here since 1978, when he was given the tenancy. But Penny made the decision to venture into breeding and rearing Boer goats for meat in 2013.

We bought 8 Dairy x Boer Doe kids in November 2013.

Followed in July 2014 by Son of William, a Boer buck, and introduced him to the girls.

Spring 2015 saw the first kids born, a very exciting time!

The goats are kept free range, they are kept on our grass paddocks with access to shelter at all times, given additional feed of hay and grain based farmyard mix during the winter months.
Fed and nurtured on their mother’s milk, allowing them to grow and develop in their family and social groups exhibiting natural behaviour in a happy and healthy environment.
Since then the goat herd has expanded and our older girls are replaced by a younger generation each year, with the old girls moving to smallholdings and farms as pets. We also sell small starter herds to different people around the UK. So if you see some other Boer goats around, they just might be from us here at Cupola Farm.